Zima Red

Explore the future of virtual worlds, metaverse, and NFTs.

Led by Andrew Steinwold, a venture capitalist and host of Zima Red, this podcast explores virtual worlds, NFTs and the metaverse.


One of the top NFT podcasts in the space by Kevin Rose.

Hosted by Kevin Rose, a venture capitalist and the creator of the Moonbirds NFT collection.

This podcast is an in-depth resource for all things NFTs.

The Nifty Show

NFTs, Metaverse, Play-to-earn, and Web3

The Nifty Show is the original NFT show.

Started in mid-2020, they have interviewed some of the top NFT pioneers.

From Crypto Kitties to Garbage Pail Kids to Blockchain Heroes to NBA Top Shot NFTs and everything in between and beyond, this show and podcast is sure to bring a smile to your face and new collectibles in your wallets!